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The clock frequency coaxial connectors, electronic systems for hundreds of megahertz, the pulse before and after the edge in the subnanosecond range, high quality video circuit is also used to pixel rate sub nanosecond. These higher processing speeds represent an ongoing challenge in engineering. So how to prevent and solve the problem of electromagnetic interference of connectors is worth our attention.
On the circuit, the oscillation rate becomes faster (rise / fall time), the voltage / current amplitude becomes larger, and the problem becomes more. Therefore, it is even harder to solve electromagnetic compatibility 
(EMC) today than before.
The coaxial connector changes rapidly the pulse current before the two wave nodes of the circuit, which represents the so-called differential mode noise source. The electromagnetic field around the circuit can be coupled to other components and penetrated into the connecting part. Noise induced by inductive or capacitive coupling is common mode interference. The RF interference currents are identical to each other, and the system can be modeled as a noise source, a victim circuit, a receiver, and a loop (usually a backplane). Several factors are used to describe the magnitude of interference: the intensity of the noise source, the size of the interference current, the area of the noise, and the rate of change.
As a result, the noise is almost always co modeled, although there is likely to be an unexpected interference in the circuit. Once the cable is connected between the input / output (I/O) connector and the chassis or ground plane, some RF voltages are present, resulting in a few Ma of RF current sufficient to exceed the allowable emission level.
于是,鐵芯扼流圈,繞制在鐵氧體棒上,在棒周圍產(chǎn)生強(qiáng)的電磁場,在電極附近有 強(qiáng)的場強(qiáng)。在使用回描結(jié)構(gòu)的開關(guān)電源中,變壓器上必定有一個空隙, 其間有很強(qiáng)的磁場。在其中保持磁場 合適的元件是螺旋管,使電磁場沿管芯長度方向分布。這就是在高頻工作的磁性元件優(yōu)選螺旋結(jié)構(gòu)的原因之一。
Noise coupling and propagation of common mode noise in coaxial connectors are due to unreasonable design. Some of the typical reasons are different lengths of individual wires in different lines, or different distances from the power plane or the chassis. Another reason is component defects, such as magnetic induction coils and transformers, capacitors and active devices (such as the use of special integrated circuits (ASIC)).Magnetic components, especially the so-called "iron core choke" type energy storage inductors, are used in power converters, and always generate electromagnetic fields. The air gap in the magnetic circuit is equivalent to a large resistor in the series circuit, where more power is consumed.
Thus, the iron core chokes around the ferrite rod, producing a strong electromagnetic field around the rod, and having the strongest field strength near the electrode. In the switching power supply with flyback structure, there must be a gap on the transformer, and there is a strong magnetic field in it. The most suitable element to maintain the magnetic field is the spiral tube, which makes the electromagnetic field distribute along the length of the tube core. This is one of the reasons why helical components are optimized at high frequencies.
在低頻串聯(lián)接口網(wǎng)絡(luò)中,有些雜散電容就足夠?qū)⒃肼暦至鞯降装迳。差分?qū)動的接口,如以太,通常是通過變壓器耦合到I/O區(qū)域,是在變壓器一側(cè)或兩側(cè)的中心抽頭提供耦合的。這些中心抽頭經(jīng)高壓電容器與底板相連,將共模噪聲分流到底板上,以使信號不發(fā)生失真。在I/O區(qū)域內(nèi)的共模噪聲沒有一個通用辦法來解決所有類型的I/O接口的問題。設(shè)計(jì)師們的主要目標(biāo)是將電路設(shè)計(jì)好,而常常忽略了一些視為簡單的細(xì)節(jié)。一些基本法則能使噪聲在到達(dá)連接器以前,降至 。
2)快速變化的前后沿的脈沖電流,其環(huán)路尺寸應(yīng) 小。
4)測定信號的完整性,以保證過沖和下沖 小,特別是對于大電流的關(guān)鍵性信號(如時鐘,總線)。
即使工程師采取許多上述所列的預(yù)防措施,來減小在I/O區(qū)內(nèi)的RF噪聲,還不能保證這些預(yù)防措施能否成功地足夠滿足發(fā)射要求。有些噪聲是傳導(dǎo)干擾,即在內(nèi)部電路板上按共模電流流動。這個干擾源是在底板和電路等之間。于是,這個RF電流一定通過 低阻抗(在底板和載信號線之間)的通路流動。如果連接器沒呈現(xiàn)足夠低的阻抗(與底板的搭接處),這RF電流經(jīng)雜散電容流動。當(dāng)這RF電流流過電纜時,不可避免地產(chǎn)生發(fā)射。
Coaxial connectors in inappropriate decoupling circuits are often turned into interference sources. If the circuit requires large pulse current, and the local decoupling can not guarantee small capacitance or very high internal resistance, the voltage generated by the power circuit will drop. This is equivalent to the ripple, or equivalent to the rapid change in voltage between terminals. Due to the stray capacitance of the package, the interference can be coupled to other circuits, causing the common mode problem.
When the common mode current pollutes the I/O interface circuit, the problem must be solved before passing through the connector. Different applications suggest different methods to solve this problem. In the video circuit, where the I/O signal is single ended and shared the same common circuit, to solve it, the noise is filtered out with a small LC filter.
In the low frequency series interface network, some stray capacitances are enough to shunt the noise to the board. A differential drive interface, such as an Ethernet, is usually coupled to the I/O region by a transformer, which provides coupling between the central taps on one side or on both sides of the transformer. The center taps are connected to the backplane by the high voltage capacitor and split the common mode noise to the board so that the signal does not distort.
Common mode noise in the I/O region
There is no common solution to all types of I/O interfaces. The main goal of designers is to design the circuit well, and often ignore some of the simple details. Some basic rules allow noise to be minimized before reaching the connector:
1) set the decoupling capacitor at close to the load.
2) the pulse current of the fast changing front and back sides should be the smallest.
3) make large current devices (drivers and ASIC) away from the I/O port.
4) integrity measurement signal, to ensure minimum overshoot and undershoot, especially for the key signal current (such as clock, bus).
5) using local filtering, such as RF ferrite, can absorb RF interference.
6) provide low impedance lapping on the plate or in the I/O region on the base plate.
Even if engineers take many of these precautions, to reduce the RF noise in the I/O area, it is not possible to ensure that these preventive measures can successfully meet the launch requirements. Some noise is conducted interference, that is, the common mode current flows on the internal circuit board. The source of interference is between the backplane and the circuit.
Thus, this RF current must flow through the lowest impedance (between the backplane and the carrier line). If the connector does not present enough low impedance (with the lap of the base plate), the RF current flows through stray capacitance. When the RF current flows through the cable, it is inevitable to emit.

本文由同軸連接器頻率為幾百兆赫生產(chǎn)廠家鎮(zhèn)江市丹徒區(qū)乾升光電設(shè)備有限公司于2017-11-16 9:21:02整理發(fā)布。
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